We Bring the Sizzle

It’s time to ditch the overworked expert panels. Eliminate boring PowerPoint presentations. Get rid of the hotel ballroom scene.

We take our cues from Hollywood

We’ve eradicated the ‘boring’ world tour events by creating onstage performances with a theme. By marrying live rock music, improvisational comedy, rock videos along with food and beverage – your C-Suite customers and buyers will show up in droves.

Kraig Kleeman

Show Runner and Executive Producer

The World’s Greatest

Rock The C-Suite is an evening of corporate fun and celebration.

All performances are themed and branded for your event.

  • Unparalleled moments of customer bonding

  • A remarkable wake up call for stalled deals

  • Dramatically expand your sales pipeline

  • Exceptional internal employee motivation

people in the USA attend concerts or music festivals each year
dollars spent annually on performing arts admissions
people attend Broadway theatrical performances per annum

Live Show Preview

Mick Jagger

Lose your dreams and you might just lose your mind.

Keith Richards

After food, air, water and warmth, music is the next necessity of life.


Music can change the world because it can change people.

Our Approach Rocks

Dramatic, edgy, action-packed, vivid… we create corporate events designed to communicate your message through the performing arts. Our team of writers and artists will tailor your show to feature themed live music built on the greatest classic rock tunes of all time. Our performances also include customized improvisational comedy skits, cinematic rock videos, personalized playbills, branded lanyards and more.

Brands Who Trust Our Team

Passionate Expertise

Our show runner and executive producer, Kraig Kleeman, is a top-selling author, speaker, and hyper-creative director. Kraig knows how to persuade audiences through the performing arts. A passionate expert with a flair for theater, Kraig and his events team have demonstrated powerful outcomes when assisting brands express their stories via themed events rooted in the performing arts.

“Rock The C-Suite is the most fresh, bold, and creative corporate event out there. The onstage performance approach is vital to any organization that’s serious about unlocking the power of the performing arts to connect with audiences. Nobody needs another boring corporate use study, PowerPoint deck or expert panel. Rock the C-Suite excites, entertains, and generates enormous relational equity with your clients and prospects.”

– Stu Heinecke
Author & Wall Street Journal Cartoonist

Let’s Rock Your Event

Are you ready to provide your customers, prospects and employees with the greatest corporate show on earth? Contact us for an exploratory meeting.