Outreach Playbook & Execution

Customized Email Messaging

– Branded Asset Creation –
– Outreach Execution –

Individualized Invitee Microsites

– Landing Page Assets –
– Registration Administration –

Influencer Talent Management

– Social Media Asset Creation –
– VIP Invitation Execution –

Meet with our Team to Discuss Pricing

Click Here for a Meeting Time

Post-Show Asset Creation & Licensing

Onsite Photographer/Videographer

Conduct Event Interviews
with Pre-Selected VIPs

Branded, Cinematic Sizzle Reel

Delivered approximately 30 days after the event

Pricing Depends upon Deliverables

Click Here for a Meeting Time

Post-Show Outreach Playbook & Execution

Customized Post-Show Email Messaging Execution

Designed to Win Meetings with Prospects

Branded, Outreach Cadence

Includes Photos, Sizzle Reel, and other Assets

VIP Merch

Custom Lanyards, Playbills,
and Sunglasses

Pricing Depends upon Deliverables

Click Here for a Meeting Time